5 ways to beat the back to work blues

5 ways to beat the back to work blues
  It is natural to feel blue at the end of a holiday. Let’s help banish those blues with 5 ways to help you get back to a work routine.
  1. Ease on down the road
  •  Go back to work midweek, so you have a shorter working week.
  • Start with the small, easy-to-do tasks for a quick win.
  • Deal with emails in short sharp bursts, then do something else. This stops overwhelm.
  1. Plan your next holiday
  • It’s easier to work when you have something good to look forward to.
  • It reminds you why you work.
  1. Plan something for yourself
  • Take 15 mins out of your day and do something for yourself- Me time.
  • Me time gives you a break from the stress of work.
  • Me time refreshes the brain and helps you solve problems at work.
  • Me time allows you to think about what you personally need and want and how it will happen.
  1. Set some work goals
  •  Think about what you’d like to achieve and write them down.
  • Make a picture board with your goals and put it where you can see it every day.
  • Share them with a supportive person who can check in to see how you are going.
  1. Give
  • Do something nice for a friend or a stranger.
  • Volunteer for a group that needs support, for example, your local sports club.
  • Both the giver and the receiver benefit from giving.
  • When we help people, our brain lights up and produces feel-good hormones and we also feel connected to our community.
  When any HR issues raise their head in your workplace you are welcome to call We Love Tradies HR – a employment law firm dedicated to serving the Tradie community.   Email us at hello@welovetradieshr.co.nz
We Love Tradies HR Ltd blogs contains only general information about legal matters. It is not intended to be legal advice and should not be treated as, or relied on,  as such. For legal advice specific to your set of facts, please contact a lawyer appropriate to your legal issue.  
https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/healthy-living/m/mental-health-how-to-beat-the-back-to-work-blues/ https://mentalhealth.org.nz/five-ways-to-wellbeing
Cat Randle
Cat Randle

at Randle is an award-winning writer. She writes blogs for various audiences, including authors, charities, and professional companies. She helps hundreds of Tradies to relax and enjoy their weekends with We Love Tradies HR, internationally renowned HR solutions. She wants to save our planet because it's the only one with chocolate.