Laughter is the BEST medicine

Laughter is the BEST medicine

Last year our chook jokes took on a life of their own. We even received one postcard from an Australian!

A good laugh has many benefits.

It improves your mood, boosts your immune system and soothes tension.

Laughter can also make it easier to lighten up difficult situations.
Here is a collection of one-liners we’ve gathered over the last year, to help ease you and your team’s day. Enjoy!

  • I went to bunnings for a hammer, trowel and a bag of cement. The staff said, “They are under construction.”
  • Old sparkies never die; they keep plugging away.
  • It took us ages to explain to John what a stress ball was. He thought you threw it at people who stressed you out.
  • Electricians like Christmas cake because it’s full of currents.
  • What do Santa’s elves clean his workshop with? Santa-tizer.
  • What do you call Santa when he takes a break? Santa Pause.
  • Where did the shepherd go on holiday? Baa-clutha.
  • You know you’ve been ghosted when a poltergeist doesn’t ring you back.
  • Electricians were created because engineers need heroes too!
  • What is the first thing a king or queen does when they reach the throne? Sit down.
  • I didn’t do well on the pub quiz; I don’t know much about pubs.
  • I was recently made redundant from my job at the greengrocers. They gave me a month of celery and four leeks in lieu of notice.
  • In the case of fire-leave the site FIRST, then put the photo on Facebook.
  • If you are in favour of safety glasses, say EYE!
  • When a toolbox has 500 tools, why do Tradies only use 10?
  • Santa told his family he was giving them all the same tools for Christmas. Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!
  • Is it gut-wrenching if a surgeon drops a tool in a patient’s stomach?
  • When a cargo ship springs a leak, it’s a hull of a problem.
  • How do you tell if you’ve got problems with carpenter ants? Tiny beer cans at the site.
  • What is an electrician’s favourite van? A Volts-wagon.
  • What are the only two seasons in building? Winter and construction.
  • Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Chickens weren’t invented in those days.
  • A construction worker walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt. The bartender asks, “What can I get you?” The construction worker replies, ” A beer for me and one for the road.”
  • What kind of parties do builders have? Block parties.
  • My brickie dad thought he’d told a good joke, but there was no build-up.
  • No one wins a concrete race. They all start-ready, set…
  • A chook and a duck were watching me pour concrete. Now I have foul quacks in my building.
  • You have to think like a carpenter making stairs, one step ahead.
  • Why did the plumber quit his job installing baths, sinks and showers? The work was too draining.
  • What do Tradies use to build their websites? Com. crete.
  • I’ve done this job for a while, and it doesn’t matter how old I am; I still pretend to be loading a lightsabre when changing the batteries on my power drill.

We hope that no chooks walk across your fresh concrete.


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Cat Randle
Cat Randle

at Randle is an award-winning writer. She writes blogs for various audiences, including authors, charities, and professional companies. She helps hundreds of Tradies to relax and enjoy their weekends with We Love Tradies HR, internationally renowned HR solutions. She wants to save our planet because it's the only one with chocolate.

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